Owls: Owls deliver messages to Harry at 4 Privet Drive from his friends Ron and Hermione, but the letters are brief and contain no news from the wizarding world.There’s a loud cracking noise (much like when a wizard Apparates/Disapparates) that alerts his Uncle, who catches Harry and reprimands him for sneaking around. Harry’s Aunt and Uncle are listening to the news, while Harry hides outside under their window trying to listen in on the news, too. The News: In the book, it’s been a month since the school year ended during which Harry has been in isolation from the wizard world while staying as usual with his non-wizard Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon on Privet Drive.O.W.L.s and Defense Against the Dark ArtsĤ Privet Drive, Little Whinging - Back to Top Hogwarts Express and Arrival at Hogwarts Click on the Contents links below to jump to each respective section.*** ***Obviously, this is one big SPOILER fest, so you’re been warned. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - I’ve read the book, I’ve seen the movie, now here’s the differences … Considering this thesis came out to 17 single-spaced pages in Word, I’ll make this intro here brief.